Community-Lab introduction

Check-in [069a82906e]
Comment:Move section on CN extension after arch and technologies.
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SHA1: 069a82906eee470411125646719c81a441fccd52
User & Date: ivan on 2014-02-02 10:49:44
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Move section on CN extension after arch and technologies. Leaf check-in: 069a82906e user: ivan tags: fosdem-2014
Remove odd reference to technologies and services in slides. check-in: 39aafe9659 user: ivan tags: fosdem-2014
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Modified script,lightning.txt from [0344c1f432] to [5bcf7800bd].

    42     42     resources on a best effort basis, and having as few hardwired management
    43     43     mechanisms as possible.
    44     44   - However, it supports the peculiarities of CNs: their distributed ownership,
    45     45     the fairness between their users, and their diversity but also
    46     46     their instability.
    47     47   - It's important to note that all Community-Lab's software and documentation
    48     48     is “free as in freedom” so you can use them to setup your own CONFINE
    49         -  testbed. *##*
    50         -
    51         -** Community-Lab as community infrastructure
    52         -- Besides supporting experimentation, *##* CONFINE helps physically extend CNs
    53         -  not only with new Community-Lab nodes, but also with new links…
    54         -- … and even services hosted in nodes like web servers, video broadcast
    55         -  stations, etc. to be used by the community. *##*
    56         -- In a more sophisticated approach, nodes can also be used to implement cloud
    57         -  infrastructure provided and managed by the community for the community.
    58         -  This is the mission of the Clommunity project.
    59         -- Now, how does the Community-Lab testbed work? *##*
           49  +  testbed.
           50  +- Now let's see how Community-Lab works. *##*
    60     51   
    61     52   * Architecture and technologies
    62     53   ** Testbed architecture
    63     54   - It consists of a set of nodes (managed by CN members) that follow the
    64     55     configuration in a set of servers (managed by testbed operators).
    65     56   - All components in the testbed become reachable via a dedicated management
    66     57     network implemented as an IPv6 overlay. *##*
    77     68     implemented as light Linux containers.  We are also working on safe node
    78     69     upgrade using kexec. *##*
    79     70   - The GUI and REST API in servers are implemented as Django applications.
    80     71   - The IPv6 overlay used for the management network is a tinc mesh VPN. *##*
    81     72   - Finally, we use Git, Redmine, Jenkins and our Virtual CONFINE Tesbed (VCT)
    82     73     package for development and testing. *##*
    83     74   
           75  +* Community-Lab as community infrastructure
           76  +- Besides supporting experimentation, *##* CONFINE helps physically extend CNs
           77  +  not only with new Community-Lab nodes, but also with new links…
           78  +- … and even services hosted in nodes like web servers, video broadcast
           79  +  stations, etc. to be used by the community. *##*
           80  +- In a more sophisticated approach, nodes can also be used to implement cloud
           81  +  infrastructure provided and managed by the community for the community.
           82  +  This is the mission of the Clommunity project. *##*
           83  +
    84     84   * Collaborations
    85     85   - CONFINE actively collaborates to the development of several Free software
    86     86     projects: the OpenWrt router distro, the BMX6 and OLSR mesh routing
    87     87     protocols, the DLEP protocol for collecting link characteristics, the NodeDB
    88     88     for describing CN nodes, the lower-level Wibed testbed, and the quick mesh
    89     89     project distro.
    90     90   - CONFINE also collaborates in events like the Wireless Battle Mesh and the

Modified slides,lightning.txt from [23452350d0] to [38e08fedca].

    93     93   - Heavily customized for CNs:
    94     94       - Some decentralization
    95     95       - Fair to other users  
    96     96         (no spying, no low-level, routing & above)
    97     97       - Simple, tolerant to network failures
    98     98   - Free software: build your own testbed!
    99     99   
   100         -# Community-Lab as community infrastructure
   101         -
   102         -- Extend CNs **[+]**
   103         -- Community-Lab for hosting services
   104         -- [Clommunity]( community clouds
   105         -
   106         -# … Extend CNs
   107         -
   108         -![Extending community networks](imgs/extend-network.png)
   109         -
   110         -# Community-Lab as community infrastructure
   111         -
   112         -- Extend CNs (with Community-Lab nodes and links)
   113         -- Community-Lab for hosting services
   114         -- [Clommunity]( community clouds
   115         -
   116    100   # Architecture and technologies (1/6)
   117    101   
   118    102   ![CONFINE testbed architecture](imgs/testbed.png)
   119    103   
   120    104   # Architecture and technologies (2/6)
   121    105   
   122    106   ![CONFINE testbed architecture](imgs/testbed-slice.png)
   133    117   
   134    118   ![CONFINE testbed architecture](imgs/testbed-logos-mgmt.png)
   135    119   
   136    120   # Architecture and technologies (6/6)
   137    121   
   138    122   ![CONFINE testbed architecture](imgs/testbed-logos-devel.png)
   139    123   
          124  +# Community-Lab as community infrastructure
          125  +
          126  +- Extend CNs **[+]**
          127  +- Community-Lab for hosting services
          128  +- [Clommunity]( community clouds
          129  +
          130  +# … Extend CNs
          131  +
          132  +![Extending community networks](imgs/extend-network.png)
          133  +
          134  +# Community-Lab as community infrastructure
          135  +
          136  +- Extend CNs (with Community-Lab nodes and links)
          137  +- Community-Lab for hosting services
          138  +- [Clommunity]( community clouds
          139  +
   140    140   # Collaborations
   141    141   
   142    142   - [OpenWrt](
   143    143   - [BMX6](
   144    144   - [OLSR](
   145    145   - [DLEP](
   146    146   - [NodeDB](