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Comment:Replace IBBT logo with iMinds'.
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User & Date: ivan on 2013-01-14 14:01:54
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Update definition of node. check-in: c9b9d3ecf8 user: ivan tags: trunk
Replace IBBT logo with iMinds'. check-in: 4f8ee553a8 user: ivan tags: trunk
Update subtitle, testbed and node architecture diagrams and copyright years. check-in: 7b838f07a8 user: ivan tags: trunk
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Deleted logos/ibbt,logo.pdf version [cf11870fda].

cannot compute difference between binary files

Added logos/iminds,logo.svg version [b8d3c77b8c].

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Modified slides.svg from [58fa25f8b1] to [78f75eac08].

cannot compute difference between binary files