Community-Lab introduction

Changes On Branch 510dc8d70c6e508a

Changes In Branch fosdem-2014 Through [510dc8d70c] Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from e6eeda4b22 to 510dc8d70c

Extend a bit on community networks. check-in: 36b5514d39 user: ivan tags: fosdem-2014
Better points for Community-Lab intro slide. check-in: 510dc8d70c user: ivan tags: fosdem-2014
Add script draft for lightning talk, rewrite already narrated slide points. check-in: 93cb735168 user: ivan tags: fosdem-2014
Create new branch named "fosdem-2014" check-in: a76c9efc87 user: ivan tags: fosdem-2014
Create new branch named "battle-mesh-2013" check-in: 12047cbf52 user: ivan tags: battle-mesh-2013
Replace "instantiate" and "activate" with "deploy" and "start".

Only happening in example interaction diagram and description. Leaf check-in: e6eeda4b22 user: ivan tags: trunk, vienna-2013-1.0.0

Update subtitle for plenary meeting, remove "soon" from API experiments. check-in: cb602605b9 user: ivan tags: trunk

Added script,lightning.txt version [d17b71012f].

            1  +#+title: Community-Lab: Exploring the Future Internet on Community Networks
            2  +
            3  +* Introduction
            4  +Hello, I'm (Speaker) from (organization), I work at the CONFINE project and
            5  +I'm going to talk you about Community-Lab, a community networking testbed for
            6  +the future Internet. *##*
            7  +
            8  +** Community networks
            9  +- Infrastructure deployed by organized groups of people for self-provision of
           10  +  broadband networking that works and grows according to their own interests.
           11  +- Based on open participation, open and transparent management, distributed
           12  +  ownership (a big step beyond private and state-owned infrastructures).
           13  +- These translate into open, free (as in freedom) and neutral networks, values
           14  +  akin to the Free software movement.
           15  +- The EU in its Digital Agenda regards CNs as fundamental for the
           16  +  universalization of broadband networking. *##*
           17  +
           18  +** The CONFINE project
           19  +- EU-financed project with several partners: CNs, research institutions and
           20  +  supporting NGOs.
           21  +- Mission: support the sustainable growth of CNs by providing the means to
           22  +  conduct experimentally driven research.
           23  +- Supports other projects advancing or extending CNs via financed Open Calls
           24  +  (now closed).
           25  +- Provides a testbed and associated tools and knowledge for researchers to
           26  +  experiment on real CNs. *##*
           27  +
           28  +** Community-Lab
           29  +- CONFINE's testbed: an environment built with real hardware taking part in
           30  +  real community networks to allow realistic experimental research on network
           31  +  technologies and services.
           32  +- Mostly like PlanetLab: global scale, with experiments sharing resources on a
           33  +  best effort basis, and as few hardwired management mechanisms as possible.
           34  +- Supporting the peculiarities of CNs: distributed ownership, fairness between
           35  +  users, diversity but also instability.
           36  +- All Community-Lab's software and documentation is “free as in freedom” so
           37  +  you can use it to setup your own CONFINE testbed. *##*
           38  +
           39  +# Local Variables:
           40  +# mode: org
           41  +# End:

Added slides,lightning.txt version [81cca81f8f].

            1  +% Community-Lab: Exploring the Future Internet on Community Networks
            2  +% Ivan Vilata-i-Balaguer <> (Pangea/CONFINE project)
            3  +% FOSDEM 2014
            4  +
            5  +# Community networks (CNs)
            6  +
            7  +- Broadband self-provision
            8  +- Open participation & management,  
            9  +  distributed ownership
           10  +- Open, Free, neutral networks
           11  +<!--- private / public / community --->
           12  +- Key for EU's Digital Agenda
           13  +
           14  +# The CONFINE project
           15  +
           16  +- Partners:
           17  +    - CNs:, Funkfeuer, AWMN
           18  +    - Research: UPC, FKIE, iMinds
           19  +    - NGOs: Pangea, OPLAN
           20  +<!--- logos --->
           21  +- Support sustainable growth of CNs via research  
           22  +  (technologies & services)
           23  +- Help other projects boost CNs (Open Calls)
           24  +<!--- OC1 & OC2 project listing --->
           25  +- Provide a testbed for CNs: Community-Lab
           26  +
           27  +# Community-Lab
           28  +
           29  +- A testbed built on community networks
           30  +- Like PlanetLab:
           31  +    - Global scale
           32  +    - Experiments sharing resources
           33  +    - Best effort
           34  +    - Unbundled management
           35  +- Heavily customized for CNs:
           36  +    - Some decentralization
           37  +    - Fair to other users  
           38  +      (no low-level, disruptive experiments, no spying)
           39  +    - Simple, tolerant to network failures
           40  +- Free software: build your own testbed!
           41  +
           42  +# Community-Lab as community infrastructure
           43  +
           44  +- CONFINE extends CNs with Community-Lab nodes
           45  +- Community-Lab for hosting services
           46  +- [Clommunity]( community clouds
           47  +
           48  +# Architecture and technologies
           49  +
           50  +- Testbed
           51  +- Slices and slivers
           52  +- Node hardware (CD and RD)
           53  +- Django
           54  +- OpenWrt
           55  +- LXC
           56  +- kexec
           57  +- tinc
           58  +
           59  +# Collaborations
           60  +
           61  +- [OpenWrt](
           62  +- [BMX6](
           63  +- [OLSR](
           64  +- [DLEP](
           65  +- [NodeDB](
           66  +- [Wibed](
           67  +- quick mesh project ([qMp](
           68  +- Wireless Battle of the Mesh ([BattleMesh](
           69  +- International Summit for Community Wireless Networks
           70  +  ([IS4CWN](
           71  +
           72  +# Future
           73  +
           74  +- Stabilization, maintainability, usability
           75  +- Federation with other testbeds
           76  +    - PlanetLab & others (SFA)
           77  +    - CONFINE / CONFINE
           78  +- Open Community-Lab to external users
           79  +    - Community members
           80  +    - Networking developers
           81  +    - Internship students…
           82  +
           83  +# Thank you!
           84  +
           85  +Meet us at the CONFINE stand in the K building!
           86  +
           87  +More info:
           88  +
           89  +- <>
           90  +- <>
           91  +
           92  +© 2014 Associació Pangea  
           93  +[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike][cc-by-sa]
           94  +
           95  +[cc-by-sa]:
           96  +    "Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International — CC BY-SA 4.0"