24 check-ins using file diagrams/interactions.dia version 230ee1758e
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22:57 | Add "Experiment example" title to slide. check-in: 1547e7907a user: ivan tags: trunk | |
22:48 | Don't hover along experiment example, just show the labelled version. check-in: 47e4dbffde user: ivan tags: trunk | |
22:31 | Keep base CN coop diagram at sight, be more explicit about additional antenna usage. check-in: 2d9ee92f63 user: ivan tags: trunk | |
22:03 | Refocus slice/sliver/nodes explanation to researcher's PoV. check-in: d6a9583f4f user: ivan tags: trunk | |
18:24 | Don't zoom all over the testbed architecture, introduce CN, nodes and admins. check-in: 695af32b2b user: ivan tags: trunk | |
18:15 | Fix testbed diagram, servers are no longer gateways. check-in: 3954f9f6fa user: ivan tags: trunk | |
18:06 | Applied some suggestions by Axel. check-in: 29ee45c594 user: ivan tags: trunk | |
14:21 | Some notes from Axel for simplifying the presentation. check-in: 8bc1c13885 user: ivan tags: trunk | |
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09:51 | Incorpore les últimes correccions i les adapte. Leaf check-in: 65c165f374 user: ivan tags: sax-2012, sax-2012-1.0.0 | |
09:46 | Argh, forgot to include FIRE name with logo. check-in: 896dcfe009 user: ivan tags: trunk, cnbub-2012-1.0.4 | |
09:39 |
Empre els noms en anglès dels projectes europeus.
Aleshores recupere la disposició de la segona diapositiva de l’original i aprofite per a introduir la paraula «testbed». check-in: 70041e30d9 user: ivan tags: sax-2012 | |
09:22 | Incorpore les últimes correccions i les adapte. check-in: 7e45bcb6e8 user: ivan tags: sax-2012 | |
09:16 | Faintly label slivers with LXC and RD with OpenWrt in node arch diagram. check-in: 2a2d937302 user: ivan tags: trunk, cnbub-2012-1.0.3 | |
08:50 | Show software control on slivers in node arch diagram. check-in: fa69d43abe user: ivan tags: trunk | |
08:26 | Mention DLEP in experiment support slide. check-in: 146554b2c1 user: ivan tags: trunk | |
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22:48 | Incorpore les últimes correccions i les adapte. check-in: 9bbee6258f user: ivan tags: sax-2012 | |
22:44 | Fix location of first slide switch; other minor changes in script. check-in: ea16ad6d02 user: ivan tags: trunk | |
22:38 | Traducció al català del guió de la presentació. check-in: 32c0d0e796 user: ivan tags: sax-2012 | |
18:43 | M’havia deixat «IP» a la llista de desafiaments. check-in: aebc90de6d user: ivan tags: sax-2012 | |
17:55 | Traduïsc el diagrama d’arquitectura dels nodes. check-in: d280e87cba user: ivan tags: sax-2012 | |
17:06 | Traduïsc els diagrames d’integració. check-in: 50d2590088 user: ivan tags: sax-2012 | |
16:50 | Corregisc el diagrama traduït d’interaccions i l’actualitze a les diapositives. check-in: 9f7bc96f06 user: ivan tags: sax-2012 | |
16:43 |
Incorpore les últimes correccions.
Encara he de corregir el diagrama traduït d’interaccions i actualitzar‐lo a les diapositives junt amb el d’integració. check-in: 6b88a68bc5 user: ivan tags: sax-2012 | |
16:36 | Fix missing steps from the labels in the interactions diagram. check-in: 3900c1e7d7 user: ivan tags: trunk, cnbub-2012-1.0.2 | |