#+title: Community-Lab: Exploring the Future Internet on Community Networks * Introduction Hello, I'm (Speaker) from (organization), I work at the CONFINE project and I'm going to talk you about Community-Lab, a community networking testbed for the future Internet. *##* ** Community networks - Infrastructure deployed by organized groups of people for self-provision of broadband networking that works and grows according to their own interests. - Like some Free software projects: based on open participation, open and transparent management, distributed ownership (a big step beyond private and state-owned infrastructures). - These also translate into open, free (as in freedom) and neutral networks, values akin to the Free software movement. Some have mutual agreement texts similar to Free software liceses. - The EU in its Digital Agenda regards CNs as fundamental for the universalization of broadband networking. *##* ** The CONFINE project - EU-financed project with several partners: CNs, research institutions and supporting NGOs. - Mission: support the sustainable growth of CNs by providing the means to conduct experimentally driven research. - Supports other projects advancing or extending CNs via financed Open Calls (now closed). - Provides a testbed and associated tools and knowledge for researchers to experiment on real CNs. *##* ** Community-Lab - CONFINE's testbed: an environment built with real hardware taking part in real community networks to allow realistic experimental research on network technologies and services. - Mostly like PlanetLab: global scale, with experiments sharing resources on a best effort basis, and as few hardwired management mechanisms as possible. - Supporting the peculiarities of CNs: distributed ownership, fairness between users, diversity but also instability. - All Community-Lab's software and documentation is “free as in freedom” so you can use it to setup your own CONFINE testbed. *##* ** Community-Lab as community infrastructure - CONFINE can help physically extend CNs with new Community-Lab nodes. - Nodes can also host services like web servers, video broadcast stations, etc. - Nodes can also be used as infrastructure for cloud infrastructure provided and managed by the community for the community: Clommunity project. *##* * Architecture and technologies ** Testbed architecture - Community-Lab consists of a set of nodes (managed by CN members) that follow the configuration in a set of servers (managed by testbed operators). - All components in the testbed become reachable via a management network, implemented as a VPN IPv6 overlay. - Researchers define experiments (so called slices) in a server. - Nodes use a REST API to get those definitions from servers and run several of them simultaneously as VMs (so called slivers). *##* ** Technologies - Nodes are connected via Ethernet to normal community devices. - Nodes are moderately powerful computers running OpenWrt with a daemon written in Lua. Slivers are implemented as Linux containers. We are working on safe node upgrade using kexec. - The GUI and REST API in servers are implemented as Django applications. - The management network overlay is a tinc mesh VPN. - We use Git, Redmine, Jenkins and our Virtual CONFINE Tesbed (VCT) package for development and testing. # Local Variables: # mode: org # End: