% Community-Lab: Exploring the Future Internet on Community Networks % Ivan Vilata-i-Balaguer (Pangea/CONFINE project) % FOSDEM 2014 # Community networks (CNs) - Broadband self-provision - Open participation & management, distributed ownership - Open, Free and neutral networks - Key for EU's Digital Agenda # The CONFINE project - Partners: - CNs: guifi.net, Funkfeuer, AWMN - Research: UPC, FKIE, iMinds - NGOs: Pangea, OPLAN - Support sustainable growth of CNs via research - Help other projects boost CNs (Open Calls) - Provide a testbed for research on CNs: Community-Lab # Community-Lab - A testbed built on community networks - Like PlanetLab: - Global-scale - Best effort - Experiments sharing resources - Heavily customized for CNs: XXXX - Some decentralization - No low-level, disruptive experiments - No spying XXXX - Plays nice with other users and admins - I.e. no disrupting low-level experiments (generally) # Community-Lab as community infrastructure - CONFINE extends CNs with Community-Lab nodes - Community-Lab for hosting services - [Clommunity](http://clommunity-project.eu/): community clouds # Architecture and technologies - Testbed - Slices and slivers - Node hardware (CD and RD) - Django - OpenWrt - LXC - kexec - tinc # Collaborations - [OpenWrt](https://openwrt.org/) - [BMX6](http://bmx6.net/) - [OLSR](http://olsr.org/) - [DLEP](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-manet-dlep/) - [NodeDB](https://github.com/FFM/FFM) - [Wibed](http://wiki.confine-project.eu/wibed:start) - quick mesh project ([qMp](http://qmp.cat/)) - Wireless Battle of the Mesh ([BattleMesh](http://battlemesh.org/)) - International Summit for Community Wireless Networks ([IS4CWN](http://wirelesssummit.org/)) # Future - Stabilization, maintainability, usability - Federation with other testbeds - Open Community-Lab to external users # Thank you! Meet us at the CONFINE stand in the K building! More info: - - © 2014 Associació Pangea [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike][cc-by-sa] [cc-by-sa]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ "Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International — CC BY-SA 4.0"