Community-Lab introduction

slides,lightning.txt at [e26d8a0f16]

File slides,lightning.txt artifact 6309c40eec part of check-in e26d8a0f16

% Community-Lab: Exploring the Future Internet on Community Networks
% Ivan Vilata-i-Balaguer <> (Pangea/CONFINE project)
% FOSDEM 2014

# Community networks

- What?
- Features and principles (comp. Free/Libre Software)
- Why so important?  Private vs. public vs. community.
- CNs and the Future Internet (Digital Agenda)

# The CONFINE project

- Mission (technical and non-technical)
- Members
- What is a testbed?
- Challenges

# Community-Lab

- What?
- What does it allow?
- What not?
- What does it not allow?

# Architecture and technologies

- Testbed
- Slices and slivers
- Node hardware (CD and RD)
- Django
- OpenWrt
- kexec
- tinc

# Related developments

- OpenWrt
- BMX6
- NodeDB
- Wibed

# CLab as community infrastructure

- Extension of CNs
- Clommunity
- XXXX others?

# Future

- XXXX federation?
- XXXX others?

# Participation

- Open call
- XXXX others?

# Thank you!

Meet us at the CONFINE stand in the K building!

More info:

- <>
- <>

© 2014 Associació Pangea  
[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike][cc-by-sa]

    "Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International — CC BY-SA 4.0"