Community-Lab introduction


Differences From Artifact [d17b71012f]:

To Artifact [d163342981]:

     4      4   Hello, I'm (Speaker) from (organization), I work at the CONFINE project and
     5      5   I'm going to talk you about Community-Lab, a community networking testbed for
     6      6   the future Internet. *##*
     7      7   
     8      8   ** Community networks
     9      9   - Infrastructure deployed by organized groups of people for self-provision of
    10     10     broadband networking that works and grows according to their own interests.
    11         -- Based on open participation, open and transparent management, distributed
    12         -  ownership (a big step beyond private and state-owned infrastructures).
    13         -- These translate into open, free (as in freedom) and neutral networks, values
    14         -  akin to the Free software movement.
           11  +- Like some Free software projects: based on open participation, open and
           12  +  transparent management, distributed ownership (a big step beyond private and
           13  +  state-owned infrastructures).
           14  +- These also translate into open, free (as in freedom) and neutral networks,
           15  +  values akin to the Free software movement.  Some have mutual agreement texts
           16  +  similar to Free software liceses.
    15     17   - The EU in its Digital Agenda regards CNs as fundamental for the
    16     18     universalization of broadband networking. *##*
    17     19   
    18     20   ** The CONFINE project
    19     21   - EU-financed project with several partners: CNs, research institutions and
    20     22     supporting NGOs.
    21     23   - Mission: support the sustainable growth of CNs by providing the means to